19h, Ircam, Espace de projection - Booking on line
Sei soli : Jean-Sébastien Bach with Amandine Beyer
Amandine Beyer, violin
20h, Ircam, Espace de projection - Booking on line
Lecture concert: Performing Anthèmes II
Hae-Sun Kang, violin
Andrew Gerzso
During this public workshop dedicated to Anthèmes II for violin and electronics, Andrew Gerzso explores the dimension of interpretation that involves the musician, the sound engineer, and the computer-music designer simultaneously.
Jean-Sébastien Bach Partita nº1 en Si mineur
Amandine Beyer, violin
Pierre Boulez : Anthèmes II
Hae-Sun Kang, violin
Production acanthes@ircam