
- 16 June - 1st July Partners 2012 AGORA Concerts
16 June 18 June 22 June 24 June 25 June
27 June 28 June 29 June 30 June 1st July


Sunday 1st July



© Georges Rousse, Metz, 1994

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18h, CENTQUATRE, Salle 400 -> Booking on line

Les Cris de Paris, Conductor: Geoffroy Jourdain
IRCAM Computer Music Designer: Andrea Sarto*
Pedagogical Advisor: Grégoire Lorieux*

Aaron Helgeson : nor eyes, nor thou, i know

Juan Pablo Vergara Valdès : El sueño de las palabras ciegas

Luciano Leite Barbosa : Paysages

Óscar Piniella Lecturas de Juçuf : Lecturas del adiós y del perdón

Andrea Sarto : Ogni Parola della Tua Bocca
* Premiere Cursus 2

Production acanthes@ircam
With the support of the DE.MO./Movin’up projet and the Sacem (scholarships for young Cursus 2 composers).


21h, Centre Pompidou, Grande salle -> Réserver

Public workshops to present the works by students in the Mixed Music master class, led by Pierre Strauch, with the students from the Artistic Musician Diploma program at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris.

International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA)
conducted by Thomas Adès

Raquel Camarinha, soprano
Natalia Zagorinskaya, soprano
Carl Emmanuel Fisbach, saxophone
Conductor: Thomas Adès
IRCAM Computer Music Design: XXX

Luca Francesconi : Etymo
György Kurtag : Messages of Troussova
Thomas Adès: Chamber Symphony
Franco Donatoni : Hot

An acanthes@ircam, Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou.
Thanks to an educational partnership with the Cnsmdp (student in the artistic musician diploma program).





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