Within the framework and in partnership with Acanthes
Cefedem Workshops
9 au 12 juillet 2008
CRR "Gabriel Pierné" - Metz
Salle Maujean
9H30 / 12H30 - 14H –/16H
Directory and pedagogy of the contemporary piano,
with the pianist Martine Joste
« To connect creation and invention, gesture and listening, games and game, imagination and reflection, the control and the joy of the discovery, directory for children and great virtuosity. »
Reading and achievements works by Simon Cowell, Morton Feldman, John Cage, György Kurtag, Silvano Bussotti, George Crumb, François-Bernard Mâche, Gerard Pesson...
This Workshops is opened to any pianist who wish to participate in the Acanthes activities as an auditor and to take part in Cefedem Workshops.

A winner of five first prizes at the National Superior Conservatory of Music of Paris, where she studied with Yves Nat, Martine Joste is one of the most brilliant French pianists of today. After perfecting her skills in Sienna (Italy), Tanglewood (USA) and the Mozarteum of Salzburg (Austria), studying with Paul Badura-Skoda, she became accompanist and rehearsal pianist Irène Joachim's vocal classes at the Conservatoire of Paris, where she also taught sight-reading. A solo artist in residence at Radio-France, Martine Joste began an international concert career which has taken her to all the European countries, the USA, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Uruguay, Canada and the Middle-East.
A passionate advocate of contemporary music, she performs regularly with numerous ensembles. As a soloist, she has given first performances of more than 40 works (by Jean-Claude Risset, Alain Bancquart, Bruce Mather, Claude Ballif, Ivan Wyschnegradsky, Fernand Vandenbogaerde, among others), several of which she requested and are dedicated to her. In 1992, John Cage composed one of his last works, Two6 for her and the violonist Ami Flammer. In 1995, Sylvano Bussotti composed and dedicated the Sonatina Gioacchina to her