Participants may attend all classes and concerts of the Centre Acanthes. The number of active participants is limited, so a selection will be made on basis of applications in accordance with the procedure outlined below. Composers and performers whose applications are not selected may still participate as “non-active participants”.
Active participants are required to be present for the full duration of the Centre and must register at the Acanthes office (Arsenal, Avenue Ney) between 1pm and 7pm on Sunday 2nd July.
Lectures will be held either in French, English or German with simultaneous translation into French or English.
Active and non-active participants
• How to apply:
A full application should be sent to Acanthes including:
- duly completed and signed application form, 
- colour photo taken within the last 6 months of minimum dimensions: 3.5 x 4.5 centimetres,
- application fee,
- CV in English, French or German covering studies, current activities, list of compositions etc.,
- scores and if possible a recording (CD or cassette) for applicants for composition workshops.
• Application fees:
The application fee is 30 € net. Bank/payment charges must be paid by the applicant. Payment may be made as follows:
- French cheque made payable to “ACDA”,
- cheque to be established by a foreign bank, drawn on a French Bank, made payable to “ACDA” and written out in Euros,
- post office international money order to ACDA,
- cash.
Application fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.
• Application deadlines (postmarked):
- 4th February for composition workshops
- 6th May for other activities
Incomplete applications or applications without payment of application fee will not be considered.
• Confirmation of applications:
- from 27th February for composition workshops
- from 29th May for other activities
• Course fees:
Active participant: 220 €
Non-active participant: 190 €
Course fees must be paid before the start of classes, either in cash or by French cheque.
Two types of bursary are available, and may be awarded separately or combined:
course fees bursary – active participant: 220 € - non-active participant : 190 €
accommodation costs bursary: 150 €
Applications for bursaries must be justified and accompanied by a reference letter. They will only be considered once the application fees have been paid.
Bursaries will be granted after examination of applications. Half the bursary will be paid on the first day of the course, the other half on the last day. Recipients who leave early will not receive the second payment unless their departure is due to accident, illness etc.
